One of the most popular lighting solutions in recent times is flexible LED strip lights. They provide a stylish and aesthetic appeal to your place. They are good for providing bright light and are cost-efficient. When it comes to installing the strip, it is extremely convenient. Still, you need to be extra careful when working with electrical components. This is the reason why we have created this guide to make it easy to install LED strip lights. Read on to know how to cut the LED light before installing.

How to Cut LED Strip Light?

Not many people know that they can easily cut LED strip light. For safely cutting the LED strip light, you need to cut the strip along the black lines. These lines are marked with solder pads on both sides. An important tip to keep in mind is that you need a pair of extra sharp scissors.

Moreover, you need to keep in mind that cutting distance. Every LED strip has varying cutting distance; 30 LEDs strip has a cutting distance of 100mm while the cutting distance for 60 LEDs strip is 50mm. For 120 LEDs strip the distance is 25mm and for 240 LEDs strip, cutting distance is 15mm.

If you cut the strip in the wrong place, some of the lights will not work. Hence, you need to be careful when cutting the LED strip light.  

How to Install It?

One of the reasons for using this strip is that it is easy to install. You can do it a few steps. It is recommended to consult a professional before you are doing this, just to be safe or you can even contact professionals at Copin. They are an LED strip lights expert offering exceptional customer support service. Furthermore, they offer a broad collection of LED strip lights for you to choose from.

Follow these steps to install a LED light.

· It is advised to check your light before you can cut and install it.

· You need to measure the length of the light you will need.

· Then, you should cut the strip along the marked lines.

· Join the wires to the strip from power.

· Before you can install, it is better to test it.

· Remove the adhesive backing from the strip and stick it to the area.

· If you want to adjust the brightness, attach it to a dimmer.

· Turn your lights on.

Can Strip Lights be Joined Together?

The most frequently asked question, is whether strips can be joined together? Yes, you can connect the LED strip lights. If you are installing LED strips to different shaped objects, you will need to connect multiple strips.

For joining the strip, you can use a strip connector. When you have a connector, there will be no need for soldering. All you have to do is insert the ends of the strip into the adjacent clips and snap shut it. You have to ensure you are using the right size of the connector.

Overall, buy LED strip lights from Copin and illuminate your house.